Monday, 20 February 2017

World Affairs FEBRUARY 2017 II

20th February 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Historically we are all one species, starting from the evolvement of the first man…”

“…and slowly all developing into different strands of human kind”

“How our colour is determined is due to what part of the world we eventually ended up in”

“The point is we are all the same. We have the same bone structure and the same torso”

“Our bodies are really no different from where we live on this planet”

“What is important is that our feelings and perceptions of each other remain the same”

“We all need food and drink to sustain us and we all need sunlight to maintain healthy growth”

“Until we start to believe that Mankind is the same in our biological makeup, we can never accept fully who we are”

“Accepting ourselves as people, habiting a global earth and fighting the same elements of wind, rain, too much sun or too little…”

“…we all have the same aspirations to survive and multiply where we can”

“The essence of who we are is due to our Great Creator, who loves us and who steers us every day of our lives”

“We all must make an effort to realise that none of us is ever alone”

“We are helped, guided and loved every minute of the day and night”

“Our dreams, aspirations and thoughts are equally monitored and when we start to believe in ourselves, so revelations are performed”

“All of us need a guiding light, so that we can avoid the many obstacles coming our way”

“It is that guiding light/influences that brings about true harmony into our lives”

“Know that all of us are special in our Creator’s eyes and that nothing ever goes unnoticed”

“We all owe it to ourselves to help one another through the many difficulties that often arise”

“In helping others, we too are helped and guided all the time”

“This planet is a good place for us to learn in, a schooling we all must go through”

“In helping others, we are taken on a journey of enlightenment and happiness is always there to make it feel worthwhile”

“It is always in the giving that we shall receive and gain beyond our wildest dreams”

14th February 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“In giving and of sharing what we have is one of the greatest gifts Mankind can bestow upon another”

“The giving & sharing of food & drink is what makes us come together in friendship & an openness that heals us & cements us together”

“All over the world this same concept is performed”

“It doesn’t matter how rich or how poor we all are, to be welcomed and to share bread with another strengthens our human bond”

“We all need people. None of us are islands and this reaching out to help one another in hospitality is vital for our growth”

“Many lack the exchange of how to communicate with each other, but with the sharing of a meal conversations naturally occur”

“All of us will react favourably when a genuine offering is given, where we feel safe and secure”

“It is receiving, so we benefit and can then give to another, who also is in need”

“We are all grateful at some time in our lives for people’s generous hospitality”

“In turn we will always play our part in continuing that vital element of love”

“Many people are homeless, living rough on the streets. It is a passing stranger who will give food and money, a safe bed to lie on”

“Gratitude is not necessary. It is only in the act of giving without reward that we too are looked after and given to”

“All that we give throughout our lives returns to us in ways not realised before”

“As a result we are all connected in the giving and receiving of love”

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