Monday, 27 February 2017

World Affairs FEBRUARY 2017 III

27th February 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As the people of the world unite in a common thinking that they must stand up for their rights, so the shift of power is changing”

“A strong revolution is now happening all over the world, especially in Europe”

“There the bureaucratic machine is now starting to grind to a halt”

“It is no longer the easy gravy machine that politicians have relied upon to fill their personal coffers”

“This now is being questioned by the populace and they will put an end to it”

“See Brussels dictate being reduced considerably as it is the people alone who will demand it”

“Power will no longer be centralised in the same way, but distributed much more evenly, where costs will come down”

“A central pot of finance for trade agreements will continue, but to a much lesser degree”

“Respective countries will negotiate with each other for their deals giving much flexibility all-round”

“See the German powerhouse start to lose its grip on Europe”

“The countries will start to take back their own sovereignty & establish their own markets”

“The people in Europe are not stupid.  They have had enough of being dictated to”

“New and lasting policies by individual Governments can and will work and a new flourishing concept is being realised”

“The Euro will further fall until finally it will become a dead currency”

“Countries will go back to their own currencies and feel safer because of it”

“They will be able to resume their own identity once more”

“Greece will start to survive, where they will throw away the European shackles & start to deal with their own issues once again”

“They will find it hard, but little by little their respect will return with a new found impetus”

“They will survive and eventually thrive again”

Monday, 20 February 2017

World Affairs FEBRUARY 2017 II

20th February 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Historically we are all one species, starting from the evolvement of the first man…”

“…and slowly all developing into different strands of human kind”

“How our colour is determined is due to what part of the world we eventually ended up in”

“The point is we are all the same. We have the same bone structure and the same torso”

“Our bodies are really no different from where we live on this planet”

“What is important is that our feelings and perceptions of each other remain the same”

“We all need food and drink to sustain us and we all need sunlight to maintain healthy growth”

“Until we start to believe that Mankind is the same in our biological makeup, we can never accept fully who we are”

“Accepting ourselves as people, habiting a global earth and fighting the same elements of wind, rain, too much sun or too little…”

“…we all have the same aspirations to survive and multiply where we can”

“The essence of who we are is due to our Great Creator, who loves us and who steers us every day of our lives”

“We all must make an effort to realise that none of us is ever alone”

“We are helped, guided and loved every minute of the day and night”

“Our dreams, aspirations and thoughts are equally monitored and when we start to believe in ourselves, so revelations are performed”

“All of us need a guiding light, so that we can avoid the many obstacles coming our way”

“It is that guiding light/influences that brings about true harmony into our lives”

“Know that all of us are special in our Creator’s eyes and that nothing ever goes unnoticed”

“We all owe it to ourselves to help one another through the many difficulties that often arise”

“In helping others, we too are helped and guided all the time”

“This planet is a good place for us to learn in, a schooling we all must go through”

“In helping others, we are taken on a journey of enlightenment and happiness is always there to make it feel worthwhile”

“It is always in the giving that we shall receive and gain beyond our wildest dreams”

14th February 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“In giving and of sharing what we have is one of the greatest gifts Mankind can bestow upon another”

“The giving & sharing of food & drink is what makes us come together in friendship & an openness that heals us & cements us together”

“All over the world this same concept is performed”

“It doesn’t matter how rich or how poor we all are, to be welcomed and to share bread with another strengthens our human bond”

“We all need people. None of us are islands and this reaching out to help one another in hospitality is vital for our growth”

“Many lack the exchange of how to communicate with each other, but with the sharing of a meal conversations naturally occur”

“All of us will react favourably when a genuine offering is given, where we feel safe and secure”

“It is receiving, so we benefit and can then give to another, who also is in need”

“We are all grateful at some time in our lives for people’s generous hospitality”

“In turn we will always play our part in continuing that vital element of love”

“Many people are homeless, living rough on the streets. It is a passing stranger who will give food and money, a safe bed to lie on”

“Gratitude is not necessary. It is only in the act of giving without reward that we too are looked after and given to”

“All that we give throughout our lives returns to us in ways not realised before”

“As a result we are all connected in the giving and receiving of love”

Friday, 10 February 2017

World Affairs FEBRUARY 2017 I

8th February 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The whole world looks for answers and yet seems to find none”

“All we ever need to know is supplied to us at any given time”

“How we act and behave is either in the right way or in the wrong way.  We either learn to trust our judgement or not”

“We have all within us a high level of intelligence, a calling. It, simply put, is our conscience”

“By going with our conscience, our gut feelings, we will always follow that rightful path”

“When we blatantly go against it, things start to go wrong and worse problems arise”

“Then we are on a downward spiral of doing more and more things wrong until we are finally stopped”

“Then we have to make reparation for all the suffering we have caused others with our wrong doing”

“Life is all about checks and balances. If we do the right thing, right things come back to us and we then lead harmonious lives”

“Try to see that a Higher Intelligence steers and educates us daily, if we ever take the time to listen properly”

“That guidance will help us through the many problematical times that sometimes come to us”

“We all need to maintain much harmony in our lives to have and maintain a balance”

“When that happens, we are happy and content. Our minds are at peace”

“Learn to be open to the Intelligence out there and learn from its wisdom and guidance freely given”

“We owe it to ourselves to learn and then happiness always comes in”

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

World Affairs JANUARY 2017 III

31st January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As we continue to grow spiritually, so our lives start to change in many ways”

“We start to see and feel things are different around us. We establish a knowing that we are actually helped and guided”

“Our conscientiousness shifts from one of complacency to one of real determination. We can all make a difference”

“We are all connected by our thought forms and if they are positive then positive and right actions are performed”

“If we collectively think we are doomed, so we shall be”

“Our minds project an energy, which is so powerful that strength and determination makes a difference”

“Helplessness and weakness of the mind again put us in a hopeless/helpless situation”

“The stronger we are in our spiritual beliefs and when that knowing occurs, then situations can and do change for us”

“We must start to recognise that a Higher Intelligence is there for our support, guidance and wellbeing”

“Issues thought impossible begin to change for us and we can start to get on our way again”

“By our positive thoughts we are on our way again, upwards and onwards”

“Start to see amazing changes transform our lives and bring back happiness we never thought possible before”

25th January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As time goes by more and more people are coming out of the churches and their stale religions”

“The people want more and they want answers now”

“They are fed up with the same old rhetoric from priests/pastors and they want answers to help them get through their lives”

“The answers many are searching for are, “Will I be alright? Can I provide for myself and my family?”

“The churches & the established governments cannot provide these answers & it is very much down to the individual to fend for themselves”

“Fear holds many people back. They tend to think help is not out there and they would be ridiculed if they looked for it”

“The answers to life are in fact all around us and, when we are still and just ask for help miraculously help is found and given”

“The Universe provides for all of us, little, big, rich and poor. All is freely given if we just ask!”

“If we need a good doctor or a dentist, then through word of mouth so it comes in”

“Schools for our children are again found if we ask and the right school comes in”

“None of us trusts any longer in a greater intelligence, who sees over us and provides for our needs”

“Often we don’t even recognise the help that is given, because we are too blind to see”

“People lost in a desert often find a lone car that happens to be passing where that person is and gives help and assistance”

“Many things appear to come out of the blue, yet we are steered towards where we can be helped and often where we are saved”

“When we learn to trust in ourselves more, then situations start to turn/change for us in a better way”

“Situations that were blocked or closed to us miraculously open up and a new way is found”

“Learn the little things coming in and then see the bigger better things coming in behind them”

“Everything is a constant cycle of help and rejuvenation, getting on with the new and letting the old unproductive aspects go”

“This way we start to move forwards in a productive way, knowing we are always looked after”

“We are never alone!”