Thursday, 20 October 2016

World Affairs OCTOBER 2016 II

19th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Everybody had a choice in life whether to go down the right path or the wrong one”

“Most of us take the right path, while others are influenced into going down the wrong path”

“That is our decision, when we do go down the wrong path the repercussions on us can be enormous”

“To take the right path can sometimes feel hard, as it tends to feel difficult”

“It feels like hard work, because anything worthwhile never comes easy”

“That is why it is always precious and always sustaining”

“The rewards at the end of much hardship and dedication are enormous and always worthwhile”

“To go down the wrong path always appears easy and trouble-free, even exciting at times and then the problems come”

“We find we have been snared, entrapped with false promises of luxury and easy pickings”

“We find the reality is harsh and painful and very upsetting”

“We pay the price for an easy life, an easy path”

“All that is obtained in this life is done through sheer hard work and dedication”

“It helps to build our characters and makes us worthwhile citizens”

“We begin to value aspects in our lives and never take them for granted”

“This is the sustaining life and where true happiness begins”

12th October 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The mind must always remain positive; it is in our thinking that we must always know we will be saved”

“So many people on the point of giving up, see their salvation come to them out of the blue and when they least expect it”

“The helping hand given with no concessions, but with unconditional love is the life saviour for so many”

“Learn to trust in a Higher Intelligence acting on your behalves, where a light in the darkness shows us the way forward”

“We are all mortal, but a spiritual creation and when we are connected to that Higher Intelligence we see our own true paths”

“The turning point is now, when the world will stand up against the oppressors”

“We now are collectively armed to seek an alternative way and where we can defeat the evil arms of aggression”

“Then we will know peace is in our hands to command”

“We must act now and together to know we will all be directed and where sound solutions are found to bring an end to violence and fear”

“We stand united and brave and we will triumph!”

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