Wednesday, 20 April 2016

World Affairs APRIL 2016 I

8th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The more positive you are about your future the more the reality becomes possible”

“Never deter yourself from your rightful pathway”

“The experience can be daunting at times, but so uplifting most of the time”

“We are all guided in what we ultimately need to do and so our destiny is formed in ways we cannot always see”

“We may not always agree, but it is nevertheless satisfying in so many ways”

“We are all much stronger than we think we are”

“We are after all immortal in our spiritual bodies”

“So we cannot fail to produce the necessary miracles that so often come to us when we least expect them”

“Our own turns and twists in life are to show us the greater way forwards”

“Nothing can ever be taken for granted and where we are always truly saved”

“Seek out your purpose in this life and see your destinies unfold in ways not thought possible before”

“The journey is always interesting. The results are always uplifting!”

4th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The time is now for a kind of revolution”

“A revolution into a higher power and what that higher power intelligence can now offer”

“By putting Mankind’s thoughts aside and just allowing the Higher Intelligence to guide us through what is possible and…”

“…how the best way there is to go about matters, is what is so important today”

“Mankind is so fed up with politicians making our lives impossible, where wars and hatred become almost a daily experience”

“By being guided in the right and loving way, we, as human beings, will be able to live comfortably side by side together”

“Mankind’s strength has always been in doing the right thing for the greater good…”

“…where the rules set up by the Higher Intelligence are adhered to, otherwise repercussions come into force”

“Mankind, as a whole, understands right from wrong”

“It is all innate in us all, as we all come from the same source of all Creation and so it is instilled in us naturally”

“By adhering to the principles that we all unite together with love, common decency and respect for all things…”

“…so life can be lived and peace and harmony becomes possible”

“No one has the right to take another’s life and not experience the consequences of their actions”

“This is determined by the Higher Power and not by Man itself”

“All becomes balanced and the way is possible for honesty and integrity to become a way of life that is both natural and just”

“We all owe it to ourselves to bring in the Higher Intelligence into our lives”

“Then we can see actively working a process, which includes love and justice side by side”

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