Sunday, 1 November 2015

World Affairs OCTOBER 2015 II

20th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“A story of immense courage and conviction by a movement of 6,000 barely educated women labourers”

“They took on one of the world’s most powerful companies and won!”

“Indian women tea pickers challenged the male dominated world of trade unions and politics”

“They refused to allow men to take over their campaign”

“The women tea pickers work for a huge plantation company Kannan Devan Hills Plantations that is part owned by Tata, the owner of Tetley Tea”

“An incident sparked off this outrage, which had been building up over a long period of time”

“The workers were to have their bonuses cut”

“Tea workers in India are treated appallingly anyway with living conditions of a one bed hut with no toilets or amenities”

“The families are all malnourished and vulnerable to fatal illnesses”

“The women earn only £2.3p a day, which is half of what other tea workers get in Kerala”

“These women accused the male trade unions of being in cahoots with the company’s management”

“They said they were denying the women their entitlements, yet saving their own plum jobs”

“When 6,000 women occupied a main road leading to the headquarters of the plantation company, it was organised entirely on their own”

“They chased away all the trade union leaders and politicians, who tried to support their cause”

“They also pulled down the flag posts outside the trade union offices”

“The women insisted they would continue with their protests until their demands were met

“The plantation company of course were defiant, but after nine days of protests and marathon negotiations the company finally gave in!”

“The women represented the workforce and forced management to accept their demand to bring back the 20% bonus”

“Their pay rise was negotiated by them separately and their increase was not met!”

“Then the unions launched an indefinite campaign to raise the rates from 232 rupees to 500 rupees a day”

“Yet again the women refused to be a part of this union effort and launched their own independent demands for higher wages”

“As they already had nothing to lose, they felt they could hold out even if it meant starving to death”

“They said they would never be exploited again, enough was enough! They have since won again”

“What is so alarming is the abject greed and exploitation by big companies who continue to ride roughshod over people”

“These women tea pickers only wish to earn a living wage”

“Their dignity is taken away by those who sit in luxury in high office drinking their tea”

“They have no qualms about the constant misery they are bringing to their work force”

“Workers the world over are now fighting for their rights”

“These are the women who feel that unless they take a stand nothing in their lives will ever change”

“The global movement of women against injustice imposed on them by their male counterparts is growing”

“Their voices are being heard and nothing will ever stop them, as they have been suppressed for long enough”

“We must congratulate all women who do stand up for their rights”

“They begin to change the male dominated injustice that goes on throughout this world”

19th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Many children around the world are gaining mentally and physically by playing rugby”

“They not only gain physical fitness, they gain strength and coordination”

“The sport enables children to test themselves, as they must learn to play by the rules, which helps them form a child’s moral attitude”

“Playing in a team, helps them learn social skills like sportsmanship, team spirit and cooperation”

“It allows children to develop self-esteem, which is especially important for those who are not academically minded”

“Children will improve their body image and will come to understand the importance of physical health and fitness”

“By playing rugby it also enhances a child’s concentration, which is a part of life’s skills”

“The sport gives the opportunity for children to develop their own personality and gives them an insight into their own strengths”

“No matter what size a person is, there will always be a position within the team allowing for all shapes and sizes to participate”

“With rugby it shows children how they must respect their opponents on the field, so creating a healthy conflict”

“Children, who play rugby, will benefit throughout their lives with mental and psychological advantages”

“These will be with them throughout their lives”

“Organisations are being formed around the world to help children learn about rugby and to give those children a sense of belonging”

“When you are initiated into a rugby team, you become a part of a family”

“This is supportive and gives the individual a sense of belonging and worth”

“Many children now in North America are being taught the sport of rugby”

“These children often come from deprived areas, where they only have one parent in their lives”

“Anger and a sense of being disenfranchised goes once they become a part of a rugby team”

“These children are able to channel their anger & frustration into this physical game; it’s always positive & enables them to learn from it”

“They become at peace in their hearts and minds and so stronger in their learning that rugby gives to all who play it”

18th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“World leaders are coming together to try to break the deadlock on ideas of self-interest and purposes”

“We are all entering dark and horrific days, as the dogs of war gather momentum and begin to encircle the civilised world”

“There are no winners in these conflicts only hardship, disgrace and discourse”

“A coming together of intellectual minds, who have nothing to gain but can see the broader picture and will express their views to be debated”

“So many solutions need to be found, where history has shown repeatedly that conflict is useless”

“Consideration for Mankind’s welfare must now be taken into consideration”

“There is no longer a so called master race.  We are all brothers and sisters together”

“We are united by a common theme of love and expectancy of a life lived in peace”

“All leaders must now look to their own hands in these conflicts and to finally own up to their part in the constant mayhem that pursues”

“The constant warring factions will in time be tamed as one begins to realise the futility of what they have been fighting for”

“At the end of the day there are no winners, nothing is ever gained or resolved”

“The dawn is breaking on a new form of leadership, where the need for power is no longer the objective, but the needs of the people are!”

“Mankind starts to come into his own as the superpowers lose their will and aggression over the people”

“Power is being taken away from all superpowers by The Great Intelligence that sees over us and guides us all forwards”

“No country is great anymore”

“All are vulnerable to earthly/global conditions be it climatic, financial or civil unrest”

“The tide is already turning, whereby enemies of various countries will have to come together in order to secure their own futures”

“Their futures are crumbling around them, exposing them to the elements of uncertainty and fear”

“This is slowly growing and exposing their power-loss, allowing for extreme negotiations to take precedent over their needs for control”

“The hardliners of this world will fall in all directions”

“It will be those whose wisdom and overall forward-thinking will steer this world forwards”

“No one will judge another as all must come to the table collectively to reach concrete agreements towards world safety”

“The new dawn on dialogue is being established where arms no longer play their part, but where trade and common sense is finally realised”

“Peace always comes at a price, but with war the price is always higher and always devastating”

“This world cannot afford any longer to prop up the dictators of war, as their power-loss becomes self-evident”

“It will be those stable countries that will be able to pave the way and where trust and goodwill are once again established”

“A new world order will be formed and this will take many years in the making, but its seeds are already taking root”

“Mankind will eventually rise again from the destruction of the old world order and into the new!”

“For the people it really can’t come in quick enough!”

17th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“How far must Mankind go before it says enough is enough?”

“Fighting on every level is a worldwide disease and there is no let up to this monster of one nation or ideal wanting to crush another”

“In 1937 Pablo Picasso read about the thousands of incendiary bombs dropped by Hitler and Mussolini’s planes”

“They reduced the city of Guemica to ashes. An incalculable number died and were wounded”

“Picasso’s masterpiece evolved under his repugnance of aerial bombing”

“Guemica became the emblem to the horrors of war”

“Picasso’s tapestry facsimile was placed in the lobby of the United Nations in 2003”

“When Colin Powell went to the UN to present the US case for military intervention in Iraq, the tapestry was covered up by a blue curtain”

“Mr Powell couldn’t try to seduce the world into bombing Iraq…”

“…while having the background of the tapestry shrieking with mutilated women, men and children”

“The latest horror is the MSF hospital in Afghanistan by the US’s aerial attack”

“The MSF’s President Joanne Liu has called for a full investigation”

“It has been stated at the Geneva Convention, where the organisation announced that ambulances and military hospitals…”

“…were recognised as neutral and so protected, because they housed the wounded and the sick”

“Despite all the wars this legal situation regarding MSF has not been diluted”

“All know that attacking neutral medical staff and facilities without notifying them in advance are guilty of a war crime”

“It is vital that President Liu’s appeal for an independent investigation by the US’s attack is acted upon and any proven war crimes ensue”

“Our present world crisis is a result of the assault on this world over the last seventy years”

“There has to be an international consensus to bring about judicial process to restore sanity in these global affairs”

“Allowing for this to happen may give the young people of this world hope”

“Especially in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine that the world is not entirely lawless and senseless”

“A strong collective international leadership is required that is bound by due law and process and not by individual country’s interests”

“Just rules on any society worth its weight will be bound by these same rules/laws as the weak”

“It has been said that when Pablo Picasso was living in Nazi occupied Paris, he had his studio searched by the Gestapo”

“Coming across the Guemica the German officer asked the artist, “Did you do this?”

“No,” replied Picasso.  “You did!”

16th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Sport is a powerful tool for progress and development”

“In the post-genocide Rwanda, Felicite Rwemalika’s work is an embodiment of this idea”

“Felicite has made opportunities, which have brought increased wealth and skills to women and families”

“All this is done by women playing football”

“Felicite, who ran a beauty salon, came across women who were traumatised by the genocide”

“Women were raped several times, their husbands left them and were killed and sometimes their children were killed”

“They did not have any hope for the future”

“Felicite decided to do something to change these women’s mind-sets.  Before the genocide football for women was unthinkable”

“In Rwanda the authorities wanted to support change and so an agreement was made for the city of Kigali to support girls’ football teams”

“The authorities were even willing to pay them a wage which enabled them to stay at school”

“Felicite’s project, AKWOS (the Association of Kigali Women in Sports) is more than just football”

“Rwanda has only 15% of girls attending secondary schools. It has enabled girls to continue with their education”

“Football has given women and girls a safe space to meet and talk and has given them all confidence”

“Women have grouped together to start farming & open up other co-operatives & they are now earning a significant income for the first time”

“Evidence has shown that once women have control over household spending they soon invest in their children and economic growth”

“Far more than men do!”

“Felicite has travelled with a head coach Grace Nyinawumuntu to the town of Gashanda to get more women to start up football teams”

“They also get local primary schools girls to play”

“Football has empowered women in Rwanda”

“It has impacted on the different communities and their benefits have spread across the entire country”

“The AKWOS women now have 1,200 women playing football, with 60 AKWOS teams in the country”

“From that, fifteen players have started co-operatives”

“There have been 200 women who have joined the Rwandan Women’s National Football League since this all began in 2008”

“The city of Kigali supports AS Kigali players coached by an AKWOS graduate to stay in schools furthering their education”

“It is this team sport that has built up the social networks and has successfully built up women’s confidence”

“Rwanda owes all this to the amazing foresight of Felicite Rwemalika, who is an inspiration to so many women”

“It is all about women empowering women in this world, which makes the difference

“It brings them up to what they are worth, which is so much!”

15th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Noam Chomsky is renowned for his Knowledge and Power and is one of the world’s most celebrated intellectuals”

“He is known for his writing on language and his views on US foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East”

“As a prolific writer, he has been controversial”

“Despite his Jewish origins, he has been an increasing critic of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians and US foreign policy as a whole”

“What is more important is the justice for the Palestinian cause”

“There are few in the US, who have been as strong an ally and a friend of the Palestinian people as Noam Chomsky”

“Chomsky’s classic works on Israel – Palestine are ‘Peace in the Middle East’ (1974) and ‘The Fateful Triangle’ (1983)

“They led to him being marginalised by mainstream academia and publishing”

“By condemning the power system which is not approved of, Chomsky got denounced by the US press and was kept out”

“He understood that anyone who goes against the grain in the US political culture was going to get marginalised”

“The truths that Chomsky articulates are very unpopular. In spite of this he has reached wider audiences by his talks”

“These are always packed out with thousands of listeners willing to hear his wise words”

“His book ‘9-11: Was There An Alternative?’ put the attack in the context of America’s intervention worldwide and became a best seller”

“His work is both original and important. He has focussed on some of the most critical periods in recent history”

“Noam Chomsky is the world’s leading public intellectual, who can match his intellectual achievements with political courage”

“It has been said that Chomsky is struck by a sense of very great intellectual power and he is a tireless scourge of US imperialism”

“Noam Chomsky ranks with Marx, Shakespeare and the Bible as one of the ten most quoted sources in the humanities”

“Two of his quotes are relevant today”

“The Oslo Accords in 1993 determined that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are a single territorial entity which cannot be divided…”

“…Immediately, the United States and Israel set about separating the two and making sure that they would not be united”

“Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism, well there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it!”

“The world is in great need of men of Chomsky’s stature, wisdom and intellect”

“The lack of correct leadership in this world has brought about world suffering on levels not before imaged and it is not over yet”

“Until leadership with wisdom is directed, this world will continue to remain in the cesspit that Mankind has created!”

14th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“There is a deafening silence of the media in the international world”

“The toll of Palestinians injured and killed by the Israeli army is appalling”

“The cycle of violence continues over decades, as Israel continues to wage its daily war on Palestinians”

“They restrict their movements, demolish their homes, displace families & are assassinating Palestinians & bombing their towns & cities”

“Israel, with US backing, refuses to abide by international laws of convention”

“These ban occupying forces from confiscating, acquisition by force and transferring the population from their own land”

“The Palestinian Authority (PA) is also to blame”

“By their non-descript opposition to the Israeli authorities it means the status quo remains intact!”

“It is high time that the PA started to invest in a new form of leadership”

“They need to begin to have a greater voice in the international community”

“It is Israel all the time that calls the shots & screams the loudest, drowning out the bitter cries of injustice of the Palestinian people”

“It is now time that the international community woke up from its enforced slumber”

“They need to bring justice to a people, who have been persecuted wrongly for decades”

“How long can the international community turn a blind eye and sit on their hands and do nothing?”

“It is only when the international community starts to band together that any kind of human rights for Palestinians can ever come about”

“Their cries are always in vain!

“We, as a world community, have a moral responsibility to set the scene right and to finally give Palestinians their rights and their land”

“To ignore this injustice is a dark stain on all of us, who are compliant with this Israeli aggression”

“President Obama has a moral and political obligation to hold the Israeli prime minister accountable for his failures”

“His policies in Palestine are dangerous”

“We all have blood on our hands”

“Collectively we all are guilty by our intransigence to sit back and see the slaughter of innocent people and still do nothing!”

“Are we human or are we savages? Are we all like the Israelis bent on carrying out injustices on our own fellow man?”

“The Jews of this world control it and they are the ruling sector here”

“Nobody dare override their position of authority”

“So bloodshed and injustice will continue to spawn violence until Mankind starts to deal with justice and the rule of law!”

13th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The incompetent way that India’s Government cannot deal with rape in their country continues”

“Until India’s laws are enforced with the highest penalty and profile on rape…”

“…then the plight of women and children continue to suffer extreme brutality nationally”

“Unless India’s Government starts to do something that will educate their men into what they are doing…”

“…then women will start to take extreme matters into their own hands and arm themselves against assaults”

“The latest horror to emerge in this rape country is a four year old girl, who is in intensive care due to her injuries on being gang raped”

“This child was found unconscious by a railway track last Friday evening”

“She had been slashed and suffered severe injuries to her body”

“Brutal sexual attacks against women and children continue to be reported right across the country”

“In July of this year a man was arrested, who confessed to sexually assaulting and murdering thirty children in and around Delhi”

“More than 1,500 cases of rape have been reported to police this year alone. It is believed that many more go unreported”

“Again it shows that not enough is being done to deter or educate the population that these assaults will not go unpunished”

“It is the culture of abuse that needs to be addressed and cannot be left to go unnoticed anymore”

“Extreme measures to protect women and children have to be stepped up and these measures must be implemented by Parliament”

“Current measures in place are not doing the job”

“There has already been a national outcry, who is actually listening to the people?”

“India still has not enough toilets for its citizens and children become vulnerable when men go out to relieve themselves”

“Again shame on the Indian Government”

“The Indian Government and subsequent other Governments are a disgrace to their own people and all have let them down”

“Rape destroys lives forever and we do not believe that lives are cheap, but sacred”

“If animals such as the cow, the monkey, elephants and tigers are all considered sacred in India and revered, then human life is also”

“You cannot see one as sacred and not the other!”

“It is high time that India’s Government come up to the plate”

“They must dealt with these perpetrators of brutal crimes against the innocent and helpless children of this world”

12th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The situation in Syria under the Russian bombardment will intensify”

“Russia is determined to break the deadlock of the Bashar al-Assad regime”

“Russia expects Bashar al-Assad to remain in power for all time”

“They expect him to give Russia whatever it wants, which is a divided Syria and not a united one”

“The rules of the game are changing daily and it is now up to the other Arab States to come to the rescue of Syria”

“Otherwise it will finally be carved up like a piece of cake with no proper government to speak of”

“Syria and the Syrian people have already lost this war. Another established democratic policy will have to follow on”

“Bashar al-Assad can never rule over a fraction of this once great country, as the Syrian people themselves want to be rid of him”

“Iran will play its part in the division of Syria and put their man in charge, which will not be Bashar al-Assad”

“It will be another, which would be closer to their influence”

“America and the West will need to compromise with other regional powers to see what is left and how that other slice of Syria can operate”

“What is sure is that Russia will do its best to disarm terrorist fighting for the freedom of Syria”

“But over time it will fail and so they will have to put up with just a part of Syria and not the whole country!”

“Syria is in a lose-lose situation and IS will still be the breeding ground of continuous unrest over many years”

“All the major powers are now reaping what they have sown in breaking Syria apart”

“There will still be a bloodbath until the political solution is found”

“There have been mistakes on the ground that have still not been realised, but need to be dealt with”

“Armies of many different factions are now facing an uphill battle to demolish a failed state”

“Only when nothing is left will the solutions be found”

“The Syrian people are just the pawns in a highly complicated and motivated system of power sharing”

11th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Kazakhstan is a country rising every day and its new capital has many amazing buildings”

“The buildings have local nicknames. The Banana is a bright yellow office tower”

“The Cigarette Lighter is the Ministry of Transport and Communications”

“The Baiterek building does not have a nickname, as it does not look like anything else”

“Baiterek means ‘tall popular tree’ in Kazakh. It is a 318 foot tower, buttressed by an exoskeleton and white painted steel”

“At its top is a gold tinted glass sphere”

“At its base is a monument that represents the Kazakh myth of a sacred bird that every year lays a golden egg”

“The sun is the crown of an enormous tree of life”

“The designer is President Nursultan Nazarbayev”

“He’s a steel worker turned strongman, who has run this country since its independence of Russia in 1991”

“He is also responsible for changing the country’s capital from a temperate area to a frigid windswept area, some 600 miles north”

“The new capital is called Astana, which means centre in Kazakh”

“Kazakhstan is rich in oil and minerals. Its billions have been lavishly invested in this new capital”

“It has invited some of the world’s leading architects to showcase their work”

“The results are eclectic and visually arresting, but are not to everybody’s taste”

“To build this dream city, President Nazarbayev has established foreign benefactors, all eager to do business with this country”

“A Qatari emir founded a mosque and space for 7,000 worshippers. Islam is the dominant faith of this country”

“Some years ago Nazarbayev declared he wanted a huge pyramid built”

“It was called the Palace of Peace and Harmony and the design went to the British architect Norman Foster”

“He was also responsible for the Khan Shatyr or the King’s Tent building”

“Norman Foster’s concrete and glass pyramid is awe inspiring and it contains a 1,500 seat opera house as well as conference rooms”

“At the very top is a sky lit conference room”

“It is bathed in natural light by pale blue, white and gold stained glass windows depicting doves against the sky”

“Kazakhstan’s climate is extreme, because it is at the centre of the Asian continent”

“Astana, the brand new purpose built capital, is an act of defiance against the constraints of nature”

“There are temperatures of -35C in winter and of +35C in summer”

“President Nazarbayev wants to have this city as a memorial to his leadership and his reign, which is held with an iron tight grip”

“At present he has no one to take over from him and this is posing worries amongst his people”

“Until that day occurs, the President will keep on building and so his legacy will remain intact!”

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