Tuesday, 27 December 2011

World Affairs 2010

3rd October 2010 (ref 714)

“‘We’ are looking to change the World in its politics and its thinking – something that has not really been tried before.  Imagine the state of Israel where all of complications on every angle have already been addressed/looked at yet the matter remains in further deadlock, because no one is prepared to change or give way to change.

“For them it is an act of failure.  They have to, at all costs, save face to the masses.  They cannot afford to concede an inch, never mind a mile or two.  Life for them is measured by the amount of pitfalls they must overcome.  They continue to wallow in their own misery taking the entire country with them.  No one is prepared to compromise or even start a new.

“The peacemaker with a difference, is to see, be able to see, the greater plan in all of this, so to re-evaluate to put into practice a system whereby everybody gains and nobody has at any time lost face.

“Armed with this type of knowledge, a change in man’s thinking can occur and through trade can begin again in earnest.  Trade routes to reopen and they will be protected, so that all to face of the exact same consequences should this fail.  The deterrent not worth thinking about or even taking a chance on…

“This will all transpire so that Mankind can begin to work together successfully, where they will begin to understand it is in their interests to do so.  An almighty spiritual force in a united banner of expertise is starting to make some serious headway - this to grow steadily and securely like a tidal wave of locusts leaving nothing behind in its wake.

“There has to be a vast global turnaround.  There is no point in just dealing with random pockets in isolation.  It has to be seen as a global concern and this will be the way forwards over generations to come…All has to be addressed in time…

“Worldwide events to show progress and lasting stability to begin to occur… World events to tremor and put shockwaves throughout the nations will see the downfall of so many Presidents...Nobody in history will recognise such a peaceful revolution as is about to occur.”

26th September 2010 (ref 713)

“A rebellion/uprising in the world will see headline news again.  It is in the Pakistan area.”

5th September 2010 (ref 709)

“‘The Godhead’ must now administer massive changes throughout this world, so that Man can sit down with Man to negotiate.  There will be a let up of wars.  A new global plan in operation now and those who feel threatened will be showered with assurances never before seen or heard of.

“Until negotiations from all sides can come together in an active way, then nothing is gained.  Everything remains in deadlock.  ‘Our’ job is to break through this deadlock of Man’s ignorance upon another and to start to make them see reason.”

20th June 2010 (ref 697)

“The company BP will fall unless it comes to terms with future directive.  ‘I’ can assure you they are a worried company indeed and many will suffer due to their continued incompetence.  It is not ‘Our’ job to save this company as it is already listing heavily to one side.

“It is ‘Our’ job to bring about radical changes, so that it can refloat at some later time, many of its assets being swallowed up by contingency plans for the future and this will be a good thing.  For people to invest their hard fought for money in reckless companies will see them moving their money elsewhere having already suffered on non-payment of dividends.

“They, the people, will act their right and invest their money elsewhere.  The lesson that BP will have on so many people is to look at the credibility of these companies before taking a chance where recklessness is proven.

“Time and time again BP has managed to hoodwink the public.  Now it is no more as with Spiritual Law it must face its accusers and become accountable for the negligent acts.  Now that the back has been broken for BP and they will need to act responsibly, otherwise there will be no future investment offered to them.

“They have no choice if they wish to keep functioning, but they will be a shadow of their former self as the World now looks down on them.  The World now taking the moral high ground, they really have no choice now, but to obey the Laws of the land and of industry.”

20th June 2010 (ref 697)

“The company BP will fall unless it comes to terms with future directive.  ‘I’ can assure you they are a worried company indeed and many will suffer due to their continued incompetence.  It is not ‘Our’ job to save this company as it is already listing heavily to one side.

“It is ‘Our’ job to bring about radical changes, so that it can refloat at some later time, many of its assets being swallowed up by contingency plans for the future and this will be a good thing.  For people to invest their hard fought for money in reckless companies will see them moving their money elsewhere having already suffered on non-payment of dividends.

“They, the people, will act their right and invest their money elsewhere.  The lesson that BP will have on so many people is to look at the credibility of these companies before taking a chance where recklessness is proven.

“Time and time again BP has managed to hoodwink the public.  Now it is no more as with Spiritual Law it must face its accusers and become accountable for the negligent acts.  Now that the back has been broken for BP and they will need to act responsibly, otherwise there will be no future investment offered to them.

“They have no choice if they wish to keep functioning, but they will be a shadow of their former self as the World now looks down on them.  The World now taking the moral high ground, they really have no choice now, but to obey the Laws of the land and of industry.”

22nd May 2010 (ref 693)

“Terrible times ahead for this country and Europe, all that I have already said will occur.  This country is hanging by a thread, while Greece is already bankrupted.

“‘We’ in Spirit must hold this country together and hold it we will, as contingency plans are already in place as the fall occurs and the saving package is installed.  Thankfully for the populace of this country, ‘We’ have managed to succeed where others have failed miserably.”

6th March 2010 (ref 677)

“There is a New World Order of people, which is already in place to steer you and others into unknown chartered waters.  It is for your benefit and for the benefit of others, who aspire to do good works and good deeds.”

30th January 2010 (ref 669)

“Gordon Brown and Tony Blair to be pillared in a way not thought possible before.  Both their reputations and their correspondents will be slashed for all time.  No one will be able to escape the arm and wrath of the Law.

“They think collectively they have got away with it, but the knives of Fleet Street and beyond now take up the cause to a new height.  All who were involved with the Iraq War who did not oppose it legitimately will be hung in their own way.

“All their street cred will be removed and they will all be tarred and feathered.  Their time has come.  Long have they hidden from an out and outright lie.  They will be found wanting.  Justice on an unprecedented scale to whip them all into shape to stand trial for war crimes is but an inch away.

“Justice will be seen to be done and the entire sordid mess to reveal a barrage of lies and misjudgement.  Even the military cannot escape what was such an unjust war – many heads to fall on that score.  They too think they have escaped the wrath of the people.

“The military will have to see a revamp of ideas and training – a new way of working and deliverance to the people of this World.  Man must fight Man on what is so blatantly wrong and the new group of people to investigate the military is already being arranged.

“There are so many black marks against them already and they must see, as politicians must see, that war is futile.  Negotiation with pressure is the only solution.  Compromise with arrogance cannot be allowed.

“You will see a change around of events which will change the shape of history where all can benefit in the long term.”

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