Thursday, 1 October 2015

World Affairs SEPTEMBER 2015 III

30th September 2015

“The UN has again had its agenda in New York, as it opened its 70th session of the UN General Assembly”

“As usual many world leaders came to express their opinions and grievances, but what if anything has been achieved?”

“There is no world leadership and no accountability for misdemeanours committed by these leaders”

“It is literally the blind leading the blind, where everybody states their case, but nothing gets resolved”

“President Obama met with Vladimir Putin, but did they actually listen to each other and decide on strategies?”

“The answer is, “No!” Both have their own agendas”

“From their standpoint they will deliver what they feel is necessary to appease their own mind and their own set of circumstances”

“Syria, which is on the agenda, will be divided up and all those whose interests are satisfied will decide what parts benefits them”

“The people of the world, who suffer poverty & removal of livelihood & assets, are of no count in the political minefield that exists today”

“Even the meeting last week of the US–China summit brought nothing to the table”

“Nothing was satisfied or discussed, which would make a difference to global issues”

“Again both countries seek to appease their own agendas and look only to their own to provide what they need in order to obtain it!”

“The world is in crisis as a result of bad management and incompetent leadership, which has caused untold sufferings to millions of people”

“There must be leadership”

“There will come a time when this issue is forced upon countries to obtain a legal stance”

“They must deal with policies that they have constantly put on the backburner”

“To do something requires effort and constructive planning ahead”

“Finally it needs the job to be done effectively to elevate suffering by those clearly affected by dictatorial Governments”

“The US, Russia and China have all failed in their leadership to address world issues”

“Europe is now greatly divided by the Syrian refugee crisis, which it cannot control”

“What to them seems an impossible task, is because they are not equipped to deal with it”

“The people of Europe will not stand for this huge influx of people”

“They feel threatened by the hundreds of thousands embarking on a better life in the West”

“All the people will ultimately suffer and resentment breeds anger”

“We cannot allow for another drastic ethnic cleansing as happened in Nazi times”

“World leaders must take the full responsibility for allowing the many conflicts to arise without any strategical outcome put in place”

“The Secretary General for Amnesty International, Salil Shetty has accused the powerful leaders of hypocrisy”

“They lecture about peace while at the same time they manufacture arms to distribute worldwide”

“He accuses them of speaking out against corruption, while allowing their corporations to use financial and tax loopholes”

“There is no effective leadership and so none of these world leaders are fit for purpose!”

“The people of this world expect better from their leaders”

“But it seems no one has the guts or moral attitude to do anything other than talk!”

“The ultimate shame must be placed on all their heads”

“They will all be judged in their own way. Nobody gets away with anything!”

29th September 2015

“To save our oceans is a valuable part of saving the planet on which we all live and from which we all benefit”

“New Zealand has revealed plans to turn an area of the South Pacific into a marine reserve”

“The Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary lies north of the mainland and includes a chain of islands and underwater volcanoes”

“The announcement for this project was made at the United Nations General Assembly in New York by Prime Minister John Key”

“Around this area fishing and mining will be banned, as it will become a most valued area of coast lines and oceans”

“The New Zealand Government are aiming to pass legislation to create this marine reserve next year”

“The protected area stretches 239,400 sq. miles”

“The Kermadec trench is one of the deepest ocean trenches in the world”

“It is rich in sea life, which includes whales, dolphins, endangered turtles and sea birds”

“This project will be an extraordinary achievement for all New Zealanders and for the people of the Pacific Islands”

“It is high time that countries took greater care of their oceans, especially concerning discarded debris”

“This kills ocean creatures and many sea birds as well as destroying the sea bed”

“We all owe it to ourselves to find ways to end pollution of our oceans & so protect all that is good in this world, which includes our seas”

28th September 2015

“Peter Blenkiron was abused repeatedly at the hands of his Catholic Christian Brother teacher”

“He stated to an inquiry how he was pressed against the wall at the back of the classroom while his teacher physically & sexually abused him”

“All this was done while his classmates were told to look the other way”

“He also stated if the boys got a belting, then you knew you had a good day and would not be sexually abused as well”

“Peter Blenkiron, who is now 53, has so told Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse”

“Peter Blenkiron and other surviving victims have told this Commission many harrowing stories of their abuses”

“Many abused victims have committed suicide”

“Others have taken substance abuse to try to rid themselves of their own guilt, of which they have none”

“The guilt is only for the perpetrators”

“Mr Blenkiron is trying to shine a light on the many lives that these abuses have already claimed”

“His wish is to have the Commission draw a line in the sand against this never ending pain that they all suffered”

“He is also asking for the best possible help that can be given to those still suffering today”

“The pain for victims never goes away, as they all live a living hell with no respite”

“The Royal Commission was set up in 2013 in response to huge public outrage”

“They were over allegations that the Catholic Church had for years covered up these crimes by paedophile priests”

“The Royal Commission find themselves acting on a scale that is far reaching and not expected”

“They are doing it with sensitivity to all those abused”

“The UK’s fledgling Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has indicated it may follow”

“This is not a question for mulling over”

“Every nation owes it to these victims to finally have justice when they were so vulnerable they could not get it for themselves”

“Pope Francis has met a group of abused victims by the Catholic clergy in Philadelphia in USA”

“He said he was overwhelmed with shame that men entrusted with the care of children violated these little ones and caused grievous harm”

“To say sorry to these victims of abuse is like saying, “xyz” – it means nothing”

“If there was deep sincerity for the thousands of abused victims in the Catholic Church…”

“…they would have done more to eradicate this paedophile stench”

“As always they are safeguarding the Church first and foremost. The victims are always secondary in this matter”

“Again the shame is on the Pope as head of this establishment!”

“Pope Francis cannot expect to give out his holier than thou rhetoric and preach to the people what they should and should not do…”

“…when he and the Church have let their flock down time and again”

“Their hypocrisy goes beyond the pale”

“That is why daily more and more are leaving these Churches and finding God Within and not God Without!”

27th September 2015

“The purpose of Mankind is to see what he can achieve in his own life time”

“That doesn’t mean sitting on his seat and expecting others like the state to always provide and always to satisfy his/hers needs”

“Mankind needs to start thinking for himself and sort out the many problems, which he has created”

“He must stop the flow of indifference and uncompromising thoughts and actions”

“He alone is master of his own destiny and must seek the Higher Calling for its direction”

“Then a better and more productive life can be established”

“There needs to be a purpose and sustainability for himself and his family”

“We are all on this earth equally to help one another with compassion and understanding”

“We must share the many gifts that we all have, so that again all can progress and thrive collectively”

“The Church and State have interfered too much in our lives dictating what we can and what we cannot do”

“We all know instinctively what is right, as we were all created by the Love Force and the Higher Intelligence”

“With this Intelligence, we were all created and given the power of intellect”

“This is ingrained in all of us, so that we already know what is right and wrong”

“It is the indoctrination of both Church and State, which has messed up so many lives”

“Governments have taken countries to war against the wishes of their citizens who voice that war is wrong – yet they still have done it!”

“This has produced long term misery, hardship and mayhem throughout their own people”

“The Church has equally striven to control the populous”

“Not in the education of Christ’s teachings of love and support for each other, but to control us for their own will and pleasure”

“They state that God has directed them in what we all need to do through them”

“The Church’s crimes of interfering with their congregation, have appalled the people worldwide”

“Yet they still think they are holy and have the word of God on their side”

“It’s the individual that needs to seek out God’s help alone & together with his/her own conscience go forward & have their productive life”

“A journey of self-discovery and also in the helping of others less fortunate them themselves, they will always find peace and happiness”

26th September 2015

“When will the international communities hold Israel to account?”

“Why is the world so frightened and intimidated by Israel and its stranglehold on them that obviously must be there?”

“No country that agrees to the human rights laws can uphold the treatment given to Palestinians and Palestinian prisoners by Israel”

“It makes a total mockery of what these countries stand for and their hypocritical arguments”

“Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are threatening to join in a fast, if Israel does not stop incarcerating people without charge”

“Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have now threatened to launch a mass hunger strike next month…”

“…if prison authorities do not release them and end the administrative detention”

“Currently there are 17 prisoners on hunger strike and at least six of them have refused food for 36 days”

“They are being held in solitary confinement”

“These men are held as administrative detainees”

“This practice is where Israel detains them without charges, which are renewable at six monthly intervals”

“More than 100 additional prisoners have pledged to join these hunger strikes, if Israel does not meet their conditions”

“There are worries for the prisoners, who have already lost significant weight”

“For those who are too weak to walk, no doctor has been allowed in to see them”

“There are currently more than 5,500 Palestinians in Israeli prisons, including 350 administrative detainees”

“Palestinian children equally come under the heavy cosh of the Israeli military”

“A young 14 year old girl called Malak was detained for allegedly throwing stones and carrying a knife”

“This girl was sentenced to two months in prison and became the youngest female detainee”

“Malak was brought before the court handcuffed and her legs shackled together”

“She was so scared she confessed to everything”

“Before being sentenced Malak spent three weeks in prison”

“She had been blindfolded and taken in for interrogation without her family being there”

“The Palestine chapter for Defence for Children International said some 600 children were brought before the military judge in 2014”

“The average number of minors held in Israeli military detention is 197 per month”

“The Israeli authorities’ policy of child detention contravenes all international conventions on the rights of minors”

“Children still are arrested without their parent’s knowledge”

“For 48 hours or longer they are without seeing a lawyer until they stand before a military judge in the court”

“Despite International Law & international juvenile justice standards in the prohibition of compelling a child to testify against themselves…”

“…or even confessing guilt while under torture – nothing is done!”

“All this is common place in Israeli military detention systems”

“In 2014 children were coerced into signing confessions in Hebrew, despite the fact that they could not even speak the language”

“UNICEF and the United Nations programme focusing on these children are clearly failing them and the disgrace must be felt equally”

“Countries around the world that condone this kind of treatment should all be ashamed of themselves for allowing it!”

“It clearly makes International Law a complete farce with no teeth and no guilt to take any drastic humanitarian measures”

“If sanctions can be so liberally enforced around the world for other misdemeanours…”

“…then Israel can also be sanctioned for their criminal acts!”

25th September 2015

“The outrageous lack of organisation for this year’s Hajj lies squarely on the organisers”

“They simply have not learnt from the past about crowd control”

“Neither have they learnt about the safety of their buildings nor their extension works”

“It is an absolute disgrace and they should be all made accountable for their actions”

“Events around the world incorporating hundreds of thousands of people are well thought through to avoid these kinds of incidents”

“If the Saudi authorities cannot deal with the size of these pilgrim groups then…”

“…they need to organise smaller more manageable groups into these holy spaces”

“Stampedes will always occur when people feel trapped or blocked in”

“That is why there needs to be an orderly stream of people being directed at every corner, so that these tragedies do not occur”

“The blame has to be laid fairly on the steps of the Saudi authorities, who have not learnt from their own past mistakes”

“In 2006, 360 pilgrims were killed in a stampede”

“The day before the 2006 Hajj, an eight storey building being used as a hostel near the Grand Mosque in Mecca collapsed killing 73 people”

“In 2004, in Mina, a crush of people occurred killing 244 and injuring hundreds”

“In 1990, another tragedy killing 1,426 pilgrims in a stampede in an overcrowded pedestrian tunnel to these holy sites in Mecca”

“It is an absolute outrage and the Saudi authorities are fully responsible – nobody else is!”

“If the Saudi authorities cannot handle these kinds of crowds for pilgrimages then they are in no position to hold them”

“They should only use smaller numbers that they are able to handle”

“It really is irrelevant to put the blame on the pilgrims”

“It has to lie squarely at the root of the problem, the lack of organisation by the authorities who organised this event”

“Those lost lives should be on the conscious of all the Saudi authorities!”

24th September 2015

“The simplest things appear so complicated to the agile mind, which looks into every nook & crevice to find disruptions around every corner”

“The mistrust throughout the world is now at breaking point, where souls are asked to give up their lives for lost causes”

“Many think it is ‘The Hand of God’ dictating how they should maim and kill one another”

“These demonic ideas are fuelled by misguided people, whose agenda is but to destroy every living creature in this world”

“They do not agree with their own philosophy”

“Until Mankind starts to turn the other way from darkness and into the light of understanding, nothing will ever be achieved!”

“This mortal life is sacred.  It has been given to us as a gift from God”

“Not to abuse it or to use it as a vehicle of violence, but as a sacred instrument to bring in love and understanding”

“It is to turn the tide of hopelessness and to bring in right thinking and right action”

“All of us will be judged when our time comes & we must all see that our roles upon this earth are to transfer wellbeing to all whom we see”

“We need to express love and to return balance to those souls who are suffering due to being abandoned”

“Especially for those who are misused by circumstances beyond their control”

“We all live in this world together and so a collective support system must come in”

“Here an immediate reform must bring back balance to this world and be recognised by all”

“Our animals need us as much as we need them.  Our oceans once filled with fish are now depleted and need conserving”

“Mankind needs to stop and think about what he is doing. This destruction to man, animals and this planet has to stop”

“Eventually this planet will die, because we have collectively destroyed it and then man will already be lost”

“We are all in danger, more of starvation than of wars”

“Collectively we are poisoning this planet with weapons, which destroy man and the natural surroundings”

“Nothing globally anymore is safe”

“Pollution on every level filters down to the very bedrock of our existence and this poison is already affecting land masses and the seas”

“Soon nothing will be left to sustain Mankind’s needs”

“This tide of destruction needs to turn today and collectively Governments must come in and work together to save Mankind”

“The get-rich-quick corporations will be no more, as fewer and fewer resources are there to sustain their greed”

“They will have to learn the hard way, which they will!”

23rd September 2015

“At last some form of common sense has prevailed after the fiasco of the jailing of Al-Jazeera journalists for crimes they did not commit”

“Mohamed Fahmy, Baher Mohamed and Peter Greste need to be totally vindicated of the trumped up charges”

“They were brought on by a failed judiciary, releasing them is not enough!”

“If President Sisi is trying to show the world that he is restoring confidence in his corrupt legal system…”

“…he has to demonstrate more about the right law and not what suits him”

“Egypt’s Government fears it will be overthrown and so has clamped down on any free argument or criticism of its state”

“The truth about how it operates and the violence that goes with it will always come out”

“The truth will always find a way of coming to the surface and will grow as it gathers momentum until it is recognised by the world over”

“Egypt’s regime has no leg to stand on. Their total mess is exposed right up to the very seat of their own power”

“Egyptians are sick and tired of it”

“They want to be able to hold their heads up high and be proud of their country…”

“…instead of hanging their heads in shame and disgrace of how their country has become”

“It is time that the military started to back down & bring in proper elections to suit all the needs of the people & not the military alone”

“Egypt will continue to be seen as a failed state, which only survives because the US pays the military and pays for food to the people”

“Otherwise there would be wholesale starvation”

“Until a stable and secure Government for the people is established with the right rule of law, the people will continue to sink”

“Nothing worthwhile of this once great nation will be left”

“Egypt and its land are not enough. It is the flourishing of its people that makes Egypt what it should be, as it was in the Pharaonic times”

“Proper Law and order for its people must start now and continue for peace to return”

“Instead of Egyptians living in fear and anger, which has a continued destabilising effect!”

“We wish Mohamed Fahmy, Baher Mohamed and Peter Greste well and we hope they will be able to continue their lives in peace finally!”

22nd September 2015

“The Egyptian fear of jihadist militants coming over from Gaza has made Egypt panic!”

“The amount of militant jihadist arriving or causing problems to Egypt is small”

“This is in comparison to the extensive destruction Egypt is doing to create their buffer zone”

“This in itself is like a red rag to any jihadists worth their salt to insult Egypt by invading and causing damage”

“Egypt needs to look at its policies as being the main fundamental provocation to all those who disagree with the Government’s policies”

“President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi will soon find he is not only criticised by world public opinion, but also by bordering countries”

“They do not accept his methods of brutal attacks”

“Egypt’s demolition of the smuggling tunnels will not sort out their problems”

“Other tunnels will be found and dug. The more that are flooded the more insecure the land mass becomes”

“Egypt has not allowed for any construction for subsidence under this kind of pressure”

“Loss of life for Egypt’s military will be as a result of their own hand until they realise it will no longer be a viable proposition”

“It is Egypt’s short-sightedness and the inexperience of leadership that constantly brings them down in the eyes of the world”

“Panic for them is a daily occurrence, as they see that their control of situations is always eroding and being taken away from them”

“Until the US stops funding the military and starts to bring in a more reliable honest law abiding leader…”

“…then Egypt will continue to be an embarrassment to themselves and the US who funds them!”

21st September 2015

“For the people of this world to cooperate with each other, a form of trust and recognition of that trust must be put into action”

“By continuing with this process, then a dialogue to bring about the right solutions can be forth coming”

“Governments are all about self-interests”

“No one ever considers the overall global problems, where self-interests need to go beyond the boundaries that we all have”

“Governments need to come together to bring about collective solutions to global problems, many of which have been ignored for years”

“Until justice is given to those who have no voice to be heard, you’ll always breed frustration, anger & hatred until vengeance is released”

“This is usually released on the innocent of this world”

“It is time that Governments started to put their policies right, not only for their own people but for the entire world”

“The same old disenfranchised people will continue to suffer and be persecuted”

“Globally many groups are being formed, where extreme hatred is at the centre of their policies”

“They fear that nobody is listening to them and their grievances – they are correct”

“Until Governments start taking responsibilities for their gross neglect of their own people together with those throughout the land…”

“…then anger is fuelled and the consequences are very damaging indeed”

“We can no longer turn a blind eye to so many wrongs being committed”

“Where Governments try to overthrow Governments, just because they don’t like that person in power”

“We all live on this tiny globe and what affects one part of it has serious consequences to the other parts”

“It is high time that solutions on a global basis were found and not just to deal with the interests of the few”

“Heavy handedness has caused irreparable damage and where globally we are all suffering!”

World Affairs SEPTEMBER 2015 II

20th September 2015

“The gap between the West verses the East will never be brought together as their differences are too immense and too complicated”

“Both ideologies are directly opposed to each other and nothing diplomatically will ever bridge that divide”

“It is now that both sides have to make some drastic concessions to bring about positive new forces”

“Where the political divide is not devastated, but where common ground can be reached to bring about changes in the political discussions”

“This way wars are no longer the main discussion, but where all factors can bring strong solutions to the negotiating table”

“Life is not a continuous set of disasters”

“There needs to be compromise and efficacy, where everybody gains and few lose face as they bring their solutions to the table”

“Democracy is not for everyone – that is plain to see”

“But human rights for the people are an important factor, where stability on a long term basis certainly is!”

“Wars are both costly and unproductive”

“War causes misery to those thrown into the war zones and great hardship to those who instigate the wars also”

“The people in both the western and the eastern regions of the globe are bringing their displeasure to the table of their Governments”

“They are asking important questions, “Do we really need war and what are the diplomatic solutions to sort these matters out?”

“Legal frameworks are put on the table together with an understanding of each other’s needs for security and the right to defend themselves”

“Those common interests become possible and a light of understanding is formed”

“Where continuous aggression is always the subject matter…”

“…then little can be done until that aggression, which is usually fear based, is alleviated”

“Man must have an understanding of each other’s needs and fears and a solid framework where the factors are discussed and solved”

“These will bring down the many barriers of underlying grief and frustration”

“This must be held up by International Law and respected for what it is laid down for

“Then countries can come together and peaceful solutions are always found”

“Trade is the prime ice breaker where all gain collectively and it is in everybody’s interest to maintain that status quo”

19th September 2015

“Reykjavik is the latest European city to come out and join a global boycott and divestment campaign against Israel”

“Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank are illegal under International Law and are a threat to the Middle East peace process”

“More and more Governments and civil liberty groups around the world are increasing their efforts…”

“…to target goods being produced by Israel’s illegal settlements”

“The Palestinian-led global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is a threat”

“This is to Israel’s regime of occupation, colonisation and apartheid”

“Millions of people of conscience are joining BDS around the world”

“BDS was formed in 2005 and it acts against Israel’s impunity of brutal and illegal blockage of Gaza”

“BDS is against the continuous construction of illegal settlements coupled with the separation wall in the occupied West Bank”

“The BDS movement is rightfully gathering momentum around the world”

“It is openly voicing their disgust against the atrocities made by Israel on Palestinians”

“The African National Congress has endorsed this movement since 2012”

“Support for BDS has been seen in the cancellations of events by world renowned artists and music bands”

“Leading scientist Stephen Hawking respects the boycott and has cancelled his participation in the Hebrew University Conference”

“Israel’s standing in world public opinion has been eroding for some time”

“It is being seen as the worst country to live in, on a par with North Korea”

“BDS’s far reaching solidarity is joined by trade unions, refugee networks, NGO’s and international civil society organisations”

“It brings together people of conscience!”

“BDS calls for an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967”

“Many public figures regularly speak out”

“They include Desmond Tutu, Roger Waters, Naomi Klein, Arundhati Roy, Marcel Khalife, John Berger and Aijaz Ahmed to name but a few”

“Billions of dollars are pouring into Israel every year, particularly from US and Germany”

“It is the taxpayers of these countries, who are subsidising Israel’s violations of International Law”

“The people of these countries are equally complicit in these crimes that Israel commits by their very support”

“There has been a massive boycott by academics of Israel”

“The Association for Asian-American Studies, the Federation of French Speaking Students in Belgium and the Teachers Union of Ireland”

“The University of Johannesburg severed ties with Ben Gurion University over their human rights violations”

“Support for BDS comes from major international trade union federations with millions of members”

“They are in South Africa, Britain, Ireland, India, Brazil, Norway, Canada, Italy, France, Belgium and Turkey”

“Global companies around the world are publicly announcing that they will not do business with Israel”

“The BDS movement is escalating”

“We have already announced some time ago that Israel will see themselves out in the cold, shunned by societies around the world”

“The squeeze on Israel is on every single day and it will get tighter until they realise that they cannot flaunt the Law”

“They cannot continue to get away with literally murder!”

“The tide of world opinion is gathering in strength and fortitude and is unstoppable”

“Israel will pay dearly for their aggressive repression of ethnic cleansing and siege against the Palestinian people”

“The turning point is now and America can no longer think it can shield Israel from their criminal acts!”

18th September 2015

“The situation in Syria is now rising to its highest ever death toll and the complications surrounding this war will continue to increase”

“It is not a question that this war will burn itself out”

“The flames of injustice continue to burn, no matter what outside intervention can or does muster”

“The US air strikes will not quash the IS situation, as they continue to gather recruits from all over the world”

“Bashar al-Assad sits on his ivory throne expecting Russia and Iran to continue bailing him out”

“There is now approaching an impasse where the major factions, Russia, Iran and the US start to put together a plan of action”

“Nobody truly wins, but where Syria can be sliced up in parts to accommodate the uses of all the foreign powers”

“There they can realise what bits are important to them and how their influence can best serve their own purposes”

“Syria as a whole nation is now finished. Its people are scattered around the world”

“This broken nation will be determined not by Bashar al-Assad, but by the more important players”

“They see their role as masters over other agendas in which they wish to participate”

“Syria for them becomes the bargaining chip for greater prizes, which these states are after”

“The Syrian people are superfluous to these tactics, as they are dispensable in the role of geopolitical influence and control”

“See a fragmented Syria and see the higher powers now negotiate between themselves for the spoils of war”

“The Syrian people will never get a look in”

“See another puppet dictator put on the throne. He will have to answer to more than one master”

17th September 2015

“The Government in Mozambique has announced that their country is now ‘mine free’”

“Mozambique’s 15 year civil war claimed one million lives and approximately five million people fled their homes”

“Mozambique became one of the world’s most mined countries of the world”

“As a result, many hundreds of people died and lost limbs in the 1990s”

“It has taken more than two decades to clear them of this legacy, where The HALO Trust has been clearing these mines for 22 years”

“Mozambique has employed 1,600 men and women from their own country to do this important work”

“They used manual and mechanical demining methods that have cleared 171,000 landmines from over 1,100 minefields”

“Due to this extensive clearance work it has now made land available for agriculture, where before it was too dangerous to farm”

“It has also lifted rural communities out of poverty and has enabled the development for major infrastructure to be made possible”

“The last area cleared by The HALO Trust was around the bases of two bridges and three viaducts”

“They carried cargo from Beira to the borders of Zimbabwe and Zambia”

“The HALO mine clearance work has enabled the company to do essential maintenance work”

“This allows an increase in the load-carrying capacity of the railway line”

“This railway line provides a crucial link for domestic and international trade carrying goods and services to neighbouring countries”

“The HALO Trust has helped extensively with these operations”

“The work of clearing mines carries on in a number of other countries, which include Sri Lanka, Laos, Angola and Colombia”

“It is time for these methods of warfare to be completely banned by International Law”

“Any country in breach of this violation will suffer the consequences of their actions”

16th September 2015

“The population of marine mammals, birds, fish and reptiles have declined by 49% since the 1970 report prepared by the World Wildlife Fund”

“Since 1950 Big Fish stocks have fallen by 90%. We only have 10% of all large fish left in our oceans”

“These losses include Tuna, Swordfish, Marlin, Cod, Halibut, Skate and Flounder, some of which are still left”

“Since 1950, with the onset of industrialised fisheries, we have rapidly reduced the resource base to less than 10% over all our oceans”

“Marine life is being threatened by human activity, which results in habitat loss together with unsuitable fishing and water pollution”

“For every four pounds of fish caught, more than one pound of other animals are caught in these nets”

“These include sea turtles and sharks, which are killed in the nets or thrown overboard to die”

“With shrimp trawlers the ratio is worse. For every pound of shrimp four pounds of unwanted animals are caught and discarded”

“Twenty-eight species of the family salmonid and steelhead trout have now been listed as threatened or endangered”

“Again habitat loss, water pollution and the changing of ocean conditions, all have contributed to their decline”

“Politicians have ignored recommendations to halt the iconic North Sea Cod fishery year after year”

“They could be faced with a terminal decline”

“It is without a ban that scientists fear the North Sea stocks could follow the Grand Banks Cod of eastern Canada into terminal decline”

“What has already happened in Canada should be a warning, because it has now collapsed and it is not coming back!”

“The air we breathe, the lifesaving medicines and the critical supply of food for our world population, all come from marine life”

“The ocean takes care of us and we now need to take care of the oceans”

“Tiny phytoplankton in the ocean produces more oxygen than all the forests and plants on this Earth”

“Plants-like animals called Bugula neritina are a source of a family of chemical compounds currently being studied to treat cancers”

“One billion people worldwide rely on fish and shellfish for their main source of protein”

“We need to take more of a responsibility to maintain the fish in our oceans”

“The studies from the World Wildlife Fund show a decline in habitats, such as seagrass and mangrove cover”

“They are an important source of food and act as a nursery for many of our sea creatures”

“Climate change has also played a role in the overall decline of marine populations”

“It is making our oceans more acidic and therefore damaging a number of species”

“If Mankind continues at the rate he is going to overfish the world’s oceans, they will be barren of fish in less than 50 years”

“As with all things, it is Man’s incompetence to manage what is there in order to sustain everybody needs”

“By his gross irresponsibility, everybody suffers”

15th September 2015

“President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin warned George W Bush about unprovoked aggression against Iraq”

“They said it would destabilise the Middle East and inflict untold dangers on Europe”

“Saddam Hussein of Iraq warned that an American invasion would ignite the “Mother of All Battles” and would “open the Gates of Hell””

“These French leaders and Saddam were absolutely right”

“It is now confirmed by the waves of desperate refugees flooding into Europe together with the formation of the rampaging wild men of IS”

“In 2006 the Bush administration, cheered on by Israel, planned to invade Syria and destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon”

“Fortunately at that time the invasion did not occur”

“Some intelligent people in Washington asked who they would put in power to run Syria. They had no answer”

“Saudi Arabia created an alternative solution”

“They brought in bloodthirsty jihadist fanatics under a variety of different names – the so called IS”

“These fanatics were unleashed against Syria and the Assad regime”

“They were trained by the US, Britain and France in Lebanon and Jordan”

“These fanatics were financed by Saudi Arabia & United Arab Emirates on the understanding that they would not come near the Saudi Kingdom”

“US Psychological Warfare teams fanned the flames of hatred between Sunni and Shia Muslims”

“To divide and conquer was their method. It had proved valuable in Iraq”

“There has been four years of war in Syria, which is now reduced to rubble because of everyone fighting each other”

“There are over 9.5 million Syrian refugees and 6.5 million are internally displaced and homeless”

“Three million have already fled to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan”

“Wave upon wave of mostly Syrian refugees are entering into Europe

“They are mostly on their way to Germany with other countries now closing their borders”

“Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czechs are now declaring they do not want any Muslims in spite there being some Christian Syrians”

“Unsurprisingly Israel had invited 600,000 French Jews to come and settle last year after the Charlie Hebdo situation”

“Now Israel says it has no room for Arab refugees. The double standards of Israel are there for all to see””

“To halt this dreadful human refugee crisis is to stop the western-led war against Syria – today!”

“A stop must be made in arming and financing these criminal gangs of jihadists”

“The US, France, Britain and the Saudis must cut off the supply of arms and money to the jihadists and end this Syrian bloodbath”

“We can no longer put up with the hypocritical moralizing from the West over these refugees”

“We must remember the warnings of Chirac and de Villepin”

“We are now reaping what we have sown by allowing our politicians to wreak havoc in the Middle East”

“Understand that there were 3.1 million people who were displaced after the Iraq War as a result of the US invasion”

“In addition there were 2 million in Afghanistan caused by the Russian and then the US invasion”

“Further add to this Somalia and Libya, as a result of western military interferences”

“When will power crazy regimes start to take responsibility for their actions?”

“As always it is the bully boys who go in, create hell and ask questions later, often without any exit strategy to their methods”

“The tragedy is that nobody learns and it is always the innocent people who pay the price with their lives”

“They pay for the demands of power crazy politicians – the shame is on all of you!”

14th September 2015

“Thousands of women and girls go missing in Mexico every year – many of them are never seen alive again”

“A couple realised that their daughter was missing and they knew that they didn’t have long to find her”

“Elizabeth realised something was terribly wrong within 15 minutes of her teenage daughter Karen disappeared”

“She said, “I just knew it”

“Elizabeth and her husband started searching the streets calling on friends and family, but no one had seen her”

“Karen disappeared in April 2013 when she was 14 years with no money or mobile phone and no clothes”

“Her parents thought she had been kidnapped”

“Thousands of girls have gone missing in recent years in Mexico State, a staggering 1,238 women and girls were reported missing”

“Of these 53% were girls under the age of 17, no one knows how many have been found dead or alive or are still missing”

“It is the most dangerous State to be a woman. At least 2,228 were murdered in the past decade”

“Elizabeth reported her daughter missing after three hours of frantic searching”

“The police will not entertain opening up a file until that person has gone missing for 72 hours, not even for a child”

“It was Elizabeth and her husband, Alejandro, who took matters into their own hands and did their own investigation”

“This was done through their daughters social network accounts”

“They found an account they did not know about where a man caught their attention”

“He was photographed with girls wearing very few clothes and had big guns”

“He revealed himself as a man who travelled a lot and that he was coming to see Karen soon”

“He would give her a smartphone so they could keep in touch”

“Each year it is estimated that 20,000 people are trafficked in Mexico according to the International Organisation for Migration”

“Authorities say the majority are being targeted online and are being taken out of the country and forced into prostitution”

“Karen’s family put pressure on the police to issue an ‘amber alert’, which was put all over the country”

“They had plastered official missing posters at every bus terminal and toll booth around Mexico City”

“They got their daughter’s case put on television and radio”

“Their tenacity paid off and 16 days after Karen disappeared she was abandoned at a bus terminal”

“She was with another girl, who had been registered as missing in a different State”

“It was the publicity that spooked their trafficker, who had planned to take them to New York”

“He had promised the girls music careers and fame”

“These traffickers play on the innocence of naïve young girls”

“They have no understanding of the magnitude of the dangers that await them”

“One has to ask regarding the incompetence of the Mexican Government that does precious little about law and order in this country”

“The Government is ruled by the drug barons and by all that is not decent in society”

“What chance does any honest citizen have in this unlawful State?”

“The Government is useless in their position of authority and a new Government that is law abiding should be elected”

“Corruption is widespread and causes suffering to its entire people and it is now time for a different approach”

“The people and especially women must start to feel safe in their own country at long last”

“It is down to the people to speak and for their voices to be heard”

“No longer can they put up with wholesale deceit, corruption and murder!”

13th September 2015

“The sadness and hopelessness of refugees around the world gives off an energy of gross negative thinking”

“These pitiful souls carry this negative energy everywhere they go”

“It infiltrates the positive energies that are in Europe and the Middle East”

“It replaces them with a hole of depression for what is now lost in their lives”

“This world now has many holes of depression”

“It is difficult to re-energise again, as the negative energies run deep into the earth’s soul”

“Much healing must be given by those who have the gifts and can once again redress the balance”

“If this is not done then the depression and hopelessness will continue to grow and spread”

“Solutions to world problems are not governed by single countries alone”

“It is by huge numbers of countries that must join together to bring about relief & recognise the sanctity of life throughout this world”

“No longer can it be left to a select few to undertake the burdens of the many countries that fail to do their responsible bit”

“For peace to be established there must be a Universal Forum that sets the rules of engagement & brings about peace through lawful actions”

“No longer can the world tolerate the abysmal goings on by tyrants”

“They rule for their own self-interest and ignore the sufferings of their people”

“There must be an international body that is released from the constraints of those who pay towards it”

“Unless they become truly independent and law sustaining, nothing will ever get sorted out”

“This world is collapsing under the heavy strains of injustice, incompetence and corruption on every level”

“The people of this world are crying out for peace and justice. The Governments continue to ignore their pleas”

“The time is now right for an insurgence of new life policies”

“Justice at long last must be finally observed through the rule of law by all”

“Then and only then will the people be able to recover”

“Peace and stability can finally repair this broken world that we all live in!”

12th September 2015

“The UK’s opposition Labour Party has elected Jeremy Corbyn as its new leader”

“It has been the most controversial leadership contest in recent British political history”

“Corbyn won the vote in the first round taking 59.5% of the votes cast”

“His support base was derived largely from the left-leaning members of the party”

“There have been many new members who had joined the party after its crushing election defeat in May of this year”

“Jeremy Corbyn will bring to politics debates which have been shelved”

“This was because the Labour Party had felt were too unpopular or too controversial to discuss them”

“Corbyn will be able to tackle David Cameron with an iron fist and he won’t allow the Conservatives to get away with anything”

“This will keep David Cameron on his toes for the rest of his political leadership”

“Jeremy Corbyn will make a worthy adversary and he is not a man to mince his words, but will hit the jugular each time he does not agree”

“He is a caring character, but can be vitriolic in his remarks of what he sees is right and where the British public has been let down”

“This new political agenda will be a wakeup call which Parliament needs”

“It will allow matters to get done and no longer be shelved, because it has suited politicians to do so!”

“We are all in interesting times and the battle is now on to change UK politics as it has never been shaken up before!”

11th September 2015

“UN General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion allowing the Palestinian flag to be flown in front of the UN building”

“This is not just a triumph for democracy, but a triumph for common sense”

“No longer can the US and Israel dictate policy”

“They can’t even bully their way around what other countries see as blatant infringements of Palestine’s human rights”

“Every day in every year Israel is losing friends and respect throughout the world”

“Their brash bullying tactics no more have a place in modern society”

“The Palestinian representative to the UN, Riyad Mansour, said ahead of the vote”

“It will be ‘another step’ towards solidifying Palestinian statehood”

“There is a growing momentum by states around the world to all show their support for a recognised Palestinian state”

“This momentum will continue to grow until that day finally comes and common-sense is seen by the world”

“In May of this year the Vatican signed its first bilateral treaty recognising Palestinian statehood”

“They know that justice must now be seen to be done and delivered”

“It also means that the flag of the Vatican – the only other non-member state can now be raised – a very good day for democracy!”

“It is necessary for the UN and other international bodies to come together and become instruments for peace”

“Enough wars have been fought and it is now time that international bodies start to take the lead”

“They must bring about solutions, where all can gain and not the corrupt few”

“We are all in this world together and so all must learn to live in decency and respect”

“No longer can the mighty consistently crush the few, just because they can get away with it”

“The mood of the people globally is changing”

“It is they alone who will decide how history changes and for the many tyrants to finally go, for they are all on their last legs already”